
Local Football Facility Plans

Plans for growth and views wanted on local football facilities

The Football Association, in partnership with the Premier League and The Government (via Sport England) is committed to making a major investment in local football facilities over the next 10 years. To inform and direct this investment we aim to produce a Local Football Facility Plan (LFFP) for each local authority in England.  To achieve this Knight, Kavanagh and Page (KKP) has been commissioned to manage the process of local engagement, consultation and plan production.  

Local Football Facility Plan (LFFPs) are a key priority in the National Football Facility Strategy which aims to increase football participation by delivering: 

  • 1000 new 3G Artificial Grass Pitches
  • 1000 new pavilions (supporting key multi-pitch grass sites)
  • 20,000 improved natural turf pitches
  • New or improved access to better indoor and outdoor spaces for social and recreational football

Below is a link to a short online survey (Huntingdonshire or Peterborough) which we ask all clubs to complete in order to provide information on your clubs current facility needs, plans for growth and views on other local football facilities.

Huntingdonshire LFFP Club Survey

Peterborough LFFP Club Survey

Your survey responses will help form the strategic plan for the future of football provision within Huntingdonshire and Peterborough.

If you are able, please ensure the survey is completed by 1st May 2019

You can find support documents below outlining the LFFPs

The information collated will only be used for the purposes of the study and will be not be used for any commercial purpose.

If you have any questions regarding the LFFPs please contact Andy Coles, Senior Football Development Officer, T 01480 447483 or email: Andy.Coles@HuntsFA.com