
Application Window For SSE Wildcats Now Open!

Inspire girls aged 5-11 to be involved in football with SSE Wildcats

Have Fun, Make Friends, Play Football.

The FA and SSE launched an initiative designed to inspire girls aged between 5-11 to be involved in football. SSE Wildcats Girls’ Football Clubs provide girls with regular opportunities to play football and take part in organised sessions in a fun and engaging environment.

Each SSE Wildcats Centre runs in conjunction with County FA's, providing a safe environment for girls to engage in the support.

Application Window for New Centres

The application window for organisations/clubs to apply to run a new Centre starting in 2019 opened Thursday 1st November.

Successful applicants will be notified in the new year.

Benefits of Running a Centre

Should you become successful in your application, you will receive the following benefits:

  • £900 grant
  • Kit/equipment package
  • Branded material to promote your Centre
  • County FA and Coach Mentor support
  • Training events for your staff/coaches


If you would like more information on how to apply:

 click here


Contact Gary.Marheineke@HuntsFA.com or call 01480 447486 for more details.